Our weekends almost always involve some sort of photo shoot, we purchase new workout gear and save it all up for when we are together so we can shoot in it. We love taking photos and having fresh content to add to our insta ‘bank’ on our phones. Having fresh content makes us happy because when we feel like we are running out of content it can become quite stressful- all you bloggers out there must know this feeling!
Buy a tripod- Buying a tripod was the BEST thing we ever did, we love it its our third brits and we wouldn’t be where we are today without it LOL. If you haven’t got a tripod already we would really recommend investing especially if you are partial to outfit pictures for the gram. Having a tripod means you don’t have to rely on someone else to take your photos, instead you can snap away until your hearts content.
We have recently purchased a new tripod from John Lewis, we have had two before from Amazon but sadly they both broke! HOW? We have no idea the legs decided to give up with life. Our new tripod is a compact travel one which is perfect for us especially when we have to carry it around with us.
Okay so it might be a little embarrassing whacking the tripod out in public but you eventually get over it but if you are feeling nervous find somewhere quiet where there aren’t many people around.
Camera with self-timer on it- Make sure you have a camera with a self-timer on it, our camera takes photos in burst of 10 which is great as you can really get into the flow of it and when we say flow we mean your posing will be on point.
Avoid direct sunlight- When we first started outfit shooting we would always stand in the direct sunlight in fact we would be SO happy if the sun was out and shining, how wrong were we. When it came to editing the photos we realised they were really saturated and the edit made them look really bad and then it came to us that perhaps taking photos in the direct sunlight wasn’t that great after all.
So now we always opt for the shade the photos come out soooo much better and we are so glad we realised this sooner rather than later, it is quite hilarious you will see us hunting for walls in the shade or a location that isn’t in the direct sunlight LOL. A slight cloud coverage is also great as well as it means you don’t get weird shadows appearing in your photos and the lighting of them is always far better.
So basically the perfect day to shoot blog photos is on a cloudyish day!
Simple background- We liked to mix up our backgrounds so they don’t always look the same and we don’t become bored with them, but we do tend to stick with what we know. We like a nice white wall or a brick wall they are always a winner, but we also like to take photos in the woods of in the countryside fields near where we live.
A step is always a great option we tend to stand on the steps or sit down but we always look for a step on a doorstep that has an amazing front door and door knocker, you all know the kind they are everywhere you look in London.
Don’t take too any snaps- We used to snap SO many photos of one outfit and it used to take us forever to work our way through them deciding on which photos were insta worthy. We now have a rule that if we like the burst of 10 we will do 2 bursts as a maximum and that is us done.
We don’t have time to work our way through hundreds of photos it takes FOREVER especially as there is two of us in the photo. We know that one of us is going to look slightly better in a photo and we are okay with that we are professionals and we both have flaws which is cool!