Positive- A desirable or constructive quality or attribute

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty- Winston Churchill


We are constantly striving to see the positive in every situation; this is something that can take years of practice but with a bit of encouragement from each other we are doing a pretty good job. When things go wrong it’s important to recognise that life isn’t always perfect and we are strong believers of ‘everything happens for a reason’. Try to see the positive in a negative situation, it can be tough at times but it will make you feel a lot better after.

Every day we surround ourselves with a variety of different people, all of which will have different characteristics. The majority of these will be a delight to be around, they will love, encourage and support the decisions you make in life.  These are the people you can turn to when good things happen like getting a new job or a promotion at work, they will be happy for you, congratulate you and won’t be jealous of your success.

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Closing the door on old relationships can be hard, just because you have been friends with someone for years doesn’t mean the relationship is a strong and happy relationship. If you find yourself making excuses about meeting up or not looking forward to seeing someone this is a good indication of an unhappy relationship. If someone makes you feel bad about yourself or doesn’t respect you as an individual you don’t have to continue the relationship.


We often become like those we are closest too, look around at your friends and think are they who you would like to become? Do you respect them? Are you happy around them? If the answer is no to any of the above then take some time to think why, it’s hard to live a positive life if you surround yourself with negative people.

Initially it may be hard to stop negative thoughts, be patient with yourself. Every time you have a negative thought try and think of two positive things in your life. So many of us take things for granted for example having a bed to sleep in every night, having access to clean water or having a body that lets us experience life each day.


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