Just some ideas for how to keep occupied at home when social distancing from this mad world! This obviously isn’t the norm and at times it is going to be hard, but remember to take each day as it comes and enjoy the small things in life!
We loved cooking and baking so now more than ever are we doing both. We have made so much already! We recently posted our updated banana bread recipe which is so delicious and the perfect healthyish snack! We have also already created some delicious Easter recipes we well so keep your eyes peeled for them!

Home workout
With all this baking and staying inside we still gotta keep active somehow! Joe Wicks has some great workout vidoes on YouTube! There are also so many gyms and PT’s on Instagram that are hosting live workouts! We think it is so cool that there is so many workout available at our finger tips whenever we fancy it!
Get Crafty
Maybe start being a bit more crafty, Rach loves cross stitch and also colouring books! It’s super relaxing and really takes your mind of everything that is going on at this craaaaazy time! Look at her latest creation!

House Party Calls
As we wave goodbye to evening drinks, brunches and coffee catch ups with our friends it doesn’t mean you can’t all catch up together! We have booked in a House Party Call with our friends, so we will report back on how that goes!
If you don’t know what the House Party App is it is basically the app that is keeping everyone sane in this lockdown. It allows you to organise videos calls with your friends so you are all visible on the screen! Don’t forget to lock your House Party though so other people don’t crash the party!
Self Care
A face mask, hair mask, polish your nails, fake tan or bubble bath. Take this time to look after yourself and treat yourself.
You could also teach yourself some cool new hairstyles, watch YouTube videos on how to french plait or how to curl your hair using straighteners.
We have lots of post on our favourite books so check them out. We love reading and encourage you to pick up a book or download an e-book kindle app. Life is always so busy and I (Rach) am actually really great at picking up a book but Annie often finds it is only on holiday that she really gets into a book- no excuse now hey! We love lighting a candle, sitting on the sofa and reading!
Take the extra time at home to spring clean your home. Cleaning is also a great way to stay active without even realising it! Cleaning your home is more than just having a clean home, more clutter means more stress which we don’t want right now … that bring us nicely onto our next point!
Sort out your stuff
Why not go through all your clothes in your wardrobe, anything you didn’t wear this season or last year add to a bag to either sell or take to a chairty shop.
Be ruthless, if you didn’t wear it this winter or summer then chances are you aren’t gonna wear next year either.
Make good coffee
If you are a coffee lover like us and enjoy ordering a coffee out then why not use this time to learn how to make good coffee! Rach has a super funky coffee machine at home that makes amazing coffees! Maybe coffee art is something you have wanted to be able to do for a while! I (Annie) personally love a cafetiere coffee but don’t often get the chance to enjoy one!