We love finding independent coffee shops when visiting new cities, we refuse to purchase a chain coffee when there are so many other choices! This was exactly the same during out time in Edinburgh and one of the coffee shops on our hit list was Cuckoos Bakery.

There are two Cuckoo’s Bakery coffee shops in Edinburgh one is located on Dundas Street which is just a short walk away from the centre of Edinburgh, we chose to visit this bakery as it was on our way back to our hotel which was located in Leith. The other bakery is located in Bruntsfield which we had planned on visiting after our hike up Arthurs Seat.

We had spied their ice coffees on Instagram and as soon as the sun started to shine our iced coffee craving kicked in and we headed straight to cuckoos bakery.

When we arrived there was a table available outside in the sun so we sat down before going inside and ordering our coffee, Rachel opted for a soya milk latte and Annie had an Iced Americano with a dash of soya milk (if you follow us on IG you will know already this is always our go to order).

We were admiring the cupcakes Cuckoo’s Bakery sell and if we hadn’t of been full from our brunch we would have definitely purchased a couple. The cupcakes looked absolutely delicious and they were iced to perfection.

The two girls who were working at the Dundas Street branch were incredibly friendly, polite and obviously enjoy their job a lot (why wouldn’t they when they get to work here).

It was definitely worth the visit and we would highly recommend it if you are visiting or live in Edinburgh!

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