It’s so funny that usually it is just around Christmas time when all the board games come out, and maybe the arguments too! Now we are in lockdown the games seem to be coming out again so we decided to share with you our favourite ones, and maybe this will inspire you to dig out your favourite games to pass some time!

This game is SO clever and one that you can play in teams or on your own. You have to answer 4 questions and then work out the link between them all. It is quite challenging though so be ready to be mentally tested!!
Absolute Balderdash
This game will guarantee some laughs, it’s actually hilarious to play. You basically have to bluff your way through and think up hilarious statements/answers. Contestants play against each another, by thinking up and writing down crazy & wild answers to the bizarrest of questions.
The easiest game to play and basically a modern version of snap. We both love this game! It’s so small so is a good game to take on holiday too! Everyone playing is sure to get competitive and there are so many different versions of the game so you will never get bored!
What a classic this game is! When we went to Toulouse we played this in the evening and of course it got heated! If you don’t own this game then we suggest you get it, it’s fun for all the family!
You have to try and describe as many cards as possible in 30 seconds! This is suitable to play with 4-20 players. The game has us crying with laughter every single time, we love it because it gets everyone involved! It’s so funny how frustrated some can get why trying to describe what is on their card!
Yahtzee is a brilliant family dice game of skill, strategy and a little bit of luck! Roll five dice and decide which ones to stick with and which to roll again. You can play with a minimum of 2 players or up to 8 players!
Let us know some of your favourite games we would love to know, we love finding a new fun game to play!